Reviews: By Genre & Author


My favourites

Barforth Trilogy, The by Brenda Jagger (8/8)

Book Thief, The by Markus Zusak (8/8)

By Night in Chile by Roberto Bolano (8/8)

Chrysalids, The by John Wyndham (8/8)

Earth's Children Series, The by Jean M Auel (8/8)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling (8/8)

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling (8/8)

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling (8/8)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling (8/8)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling (8/8)

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (8/8)

Lord of the Rings, The by JRR Tolkein (8/8)

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (8/8)

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (8/8)

Vintner's Luck, The by Elizabeth Knox (8/8)

We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver (8/8)

Year of the Flood, The by Margaret Atwood (8/8)

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Australian Literature

A Child's Book of True Crime by Chloe Hooper

An Iron Rose by Peter Temple

Black Russian, The
by Lenny Bartulin

Boat, The by Nam Le

Book of Lost Threads, The by Tess Evans

Book Thief, The by Markus Zusak

Breaker, The
by Kit Denton

Broken Shore, The
by Peter Temple

Cocaine Blues by Kerry Greenwood

Day We Had Hitler Home, The by Rodney Hall

Death Before Wicket by Kerry Greenwood

Diamond Dove by Adrian Hyland

Document Z by Andrew Croome

Eucalyptus by Murray Bail

Every Secret Thing by Marie Munkara

Flighing Too High by Kerry Greenwood

For the Term of His Natural Life by Marcus Clarke

Forgotten Garden, The by Kate Morton

Hell Island by Matthew Reilly

Household's Guide to Dying, The
by Debra Adelaide

Indelible Ink by Fiona McGregor

Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey

by Darren Groth

Legacy, The by Kristin Tranter

Lilian's Story by Kate Grenville

Lost Dog, The by Michelle de Kretser

Lovesong by Alex Miller

Messenger, The by Markus Zusak

Moral Hazard by Kate Jennings

Murder on a Midsummer Night by Kerry Greenwood

My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin

My Career Goes Bung
by Miles Franklin

Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay

Secret River, The by Kate Grenville

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Sinkings, The by Amanda Curtin

Slap, The by Christos Tsiolkas

Spare Room, The by Helen Garner

Sunken Road, The by Gary Disher

Timeless Land, The by Eleanor Dark

Tomorrow, When the War Began Series, The by John Marsden

Transit of Venus, The by Shirley Hazzard

Unusual Life of Tristan Smith, The by Peter Carey

Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre

White Earth, The
by Andrew McGahan

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Children / Young Adult

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Anne's House of Dreams by LM Montgomery

Anne of Avonlea by LM Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery

Anne of the Island by LM Montgomery

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catweazle by Richard Carpenter

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, The by Mark Haddon

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Freddie and the Enormouse by Hugh Scott

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling

Harry Potter of the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling

His Dark Material Trilogy by Philip Pullman

Hunger Games, The by Suzanne Collins

Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey (Australian)

Kindling by Darren Groth (Australian)

Lean on Pete by Willy Vlautin

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Messenger, The by Markus Zusak (Australian)

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

Railway Children, The by Edith Nesbit

Secret Garden, The by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Tales of Beedle the Bard, The by JK Rowling

Third Pig Detective Agency, The by Bob Burke

Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

Tom's Midnight Garden by Phillipa Pearce

Tomorrow When the War Began series, The by John Marsden (Australian)

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Wind in the Willows, The by Kenneth Graham

Witches, The by Roald Dahl

Wizard of Oz, The by L. Frank Baum

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20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

A Room with a View by EM Forster

A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The by Mark Twain

Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The by Mark Twain

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne

Alice in Wonderland
by Lewis Carroll

Breaker, The
by Kit Denton

Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh

Call of the Wild, The
by Jack London

Collector, The by John Fowles

Day of the Triffids, The by John Wyndham

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Dune by Frank Herbert

Flatland by Edwin A Abbott

For the Term of His Natural Life by Marcus Clarke

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley

Good Earth, The
by Pearl S Buck

Great Gatsby, The
by F Scott Fitzgerald

Hound of the Baskervilles, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

Jane Eyre by Carlotte Bronte

Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne

Jungle Book, The by Rudyard Kipling

Lady Chatterley's Lover by DH Lawrence

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Long Goodbye, The by Raymond Chandler

Lost World, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

Metamorphosis, The by Franz Kafka

Mill on the Floss, The by George Eliot

My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin

My Career Goes Bung by Miles Franklin

Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsey

Portrait of a Lady, The by Henry James

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Railway Children, The by Edith Nesbit

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Dufoe

Secret Garden, The by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Sign of the Four, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The by Robert Louis Stevenson

Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Through the Looking Glass
by Lewis Carroll

Timeless Land, The by Eleanor Dark

Transit of Venus, The
by Shirley Hazzard

Treasure Island
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Turn of the Screw, The by Henry James

Valley of Fear, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rys

Wind in the Willows, The by Kenneth Graham

Wizard of Oz, The by Frank L Baum

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

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Contemporary Fiction
A literary genre that describes books written in the present or recent past, and that often explore the cultural, social, and political climate of the time. 

19th Wife, The by David Evershoff 

A Case of Exploding Manoges by Mohammed Hanif

Alchemist, The by Paulo Coelho

An Iron Rose
by Peter Temple (Australian)

Ape House by Sara Gruen

Billie's Kiss by Elizabeth Knox

Boat, The by Nam Le (Australian)

Book of Lost Threads, The by Tess Evans (Australian)

Brick Lane by Monica Ali

The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling

The Children Act by Ian McEwan

Chocolat by Joanne Harris

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, The by Mark Haddon

Deaf Sentence by David Lodge

Disgrace by JM Coetzee

Drowning Ruth by Christina Shwarz

Eucalyptus by Murray Bail (Australian)

Every Secret Thing by Marie Munkara (Australian)

Father Frank by Paul Burke

Forgotten Garden, The by Kate Morton

Fugitive Pieces by Ann Michaels

Household Guide to Dying, The by Debra Adelaide (Australian)

Indelible Ink by Fiona McGregor (Australian)

Jasper Jones by Craig Silvery (Australian)

Kindling by Darren Groth (Australian)

Lacuna, The by Barbara Kingsolver

Lean on Pete by Willy Vlautin

Legacy, The by Kirsten Tranter (Australian)

Lilian's Story by Kate Grenville (Australian)

Little Stranger, The
by Sarah Waters

Lost Dog, The by Michelle de Kretser

Lost Paradise
by Cees Nooteboom

Lovesong by Alex Miller (Australian)

Memory Keepers Daughter, The by Kim Edwards

Messenger, The by Markus Zusak (Australian)

Moral Hazard by Kate Jennings (Australian)

One Day by David Nicholls

Pilot's Wife, The by Anita Shreve

Rice Bowl
by Suchen Christine Lim

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Sinkings, The by Amanda Curtain (Australian)

Slap, The by Christos Tsiolkas (Australian)

Spare Room, The by Helen Garner (Australian)

Sunday Philosophy Club, The by Alexander McCall Smith

Surfacing by Margaret Atwood

Tales of Beedle the Bard, The by JK Rowling

Third Pig Detective Agency, The by Bob Burke

Time Traveller's Wife, The by Audrey Niffenegger

Tomorrow When The War Began series, The by John Marsden (Australian)

Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre

We Need To Talk About Kevin
by Lionel Shriver

White Earth, The
by Andrew McGahan (Australian)

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Crime / Detective

4:50 From Paddington, The by Agatha Christie

A Body in the Library by Agatha Christie

A Certain Justice by PD James

A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle

An Iron Rose by Peter Temple

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

Big Four, The by Agatha Christie

Big Over Easy, The by Jasper Fforde

Black Russian, The by Lenny Bartulin

Broken Shore, The by Peter Temple

By the Pricking of My Thumbs by Agatha Christie

Case of the Missing Servant, The by Tarquin Hall

Cat Amongst the Pigeons by Agatha Christie

Cocaine Blues by Kerry Greenwood

Death Before Wicket by Kerry Greenwood

Deception Point by Dan Brown

Diamond Dove by Adrian Hyland

Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie

Flying Too High by Kerry Greenwood

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The by Stieg Larsson

Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, The by Stieg Larsson

Girl who Played with Fire, The by Stieg Larsson

Hound of the Baskervilles, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder by Shamini Flint

Key to Rebecca, The by Ken Follett

Long Goodbye, The by Raymond Chandler

Murder on a Midsummer Night by Kerry Greenwood

Mysterious Affair at Styles, The by Agatha Christie

Secret Adversary, The by Agatha Christie

Sign of the Four, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie

Sunday Philosophy Club, The by Alexander McCall Smith

Valley of Fear, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

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A type of speculative fiction that involves themes of magic, the supernatural, and imaginary worlds and creatures. 

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling

Harry Potter of the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling

His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clark

Lord of the Rings, The by JRR Tolkien

New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

Passage, The by Justin Cronin

Princess Bride, The
by William Goldman

Tales of Beedle the Bard, The by JK Rowling

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Wicked by Gregory Maguire

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First Nations

Diamond Dove by Adrian Hyland

Every Secret Thing by Marie Munkara

Secret River, The by Kate Grenville

Timeless Land, The by Eleanor Dark

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Both are fictional narratives that can include supernatural elements and are meant to evoke fear. 

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley

Little Stranger, The by Sarah Waters

Turn of the Screw, The
by Henry James

Virago Book of Ghost Storied, The ed. Richard Dalby

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Historical Fiction
A genre in which a fictional plot takes place in the setting of particular real historical events. 

A Case of Exploding Mangoes by Mohammed Hanif

Barforth Trilogy, The by Brenda Jagger

Book Thief, The
by Markus Zusak

Clouded Hills, The by Brenda Jagger

Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier

Day We Had Hitler Home, The by Rodney Hall (Australian)

Document Z by Andrew Croome (Australian)

Double Crown, The by Marie Heese

Earth's Children series, The by Jean M Auel

Every Secret Thing by Marie Munkara (Australian)

Flint and Roses by Brenda Jagger

Fugitive Pieces by Ann Michaels

Gone with the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell

Land of Painted Caves, The by Jean M Auel

Memoirs of a Geisha
by Arthur Golden

Secret River, The by Kate Grenville (Australian)

Sinkings, The by Amanda Curtain (Australian)

Sleeping Sword, The by Brenda Jagger

Timeless Land, The by Eleanor Dark (Australian)

Vintner's Luck, The by Elizabeth Knox

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

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Literary Fiction
Considered to have considerable artistic merit. 

A Child's Book of True Crime by Chloe Hooper (Australian)

Alchemist, The by Paulo Coelho

An Iron Rose by Peter Temple (Australian)

Book Thief, The by Markus Zusak (Australian)

Broken Shore, The by Peter Temple (Australian)

By Night in Chile by Roberto Bolano

Corrections, The
by Jonathan Franzen

Disgrace by JM Coetzee

Dracula by Bram Stoker

Eucalyptus by Murray Bail (Australian)

Fugitive Pieces by Ann Michaels

Good Earth, The by Pearl S Buck

House of Spirits, The by Isabel Allende

Lacuna, The by Barbara Kingsolver

Lilian's Story by Kate Grenville (Australian)

Lost Dog, The by Michelle de Kretser

Lost Paradise by Cees Nooteboom

Lovesong by Alex Miller (Australian)

Metamorphosis, The by Franz Kafka

Memoirs of a Geisha
by Arthur Golden

Satanic Verses, The
by Salman Rushdie

Shadow of the Wind, The by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Silk by Alessandro Baricco

Sunken Road, The by Gary Disher (Australian)

Surfacing by Margaret Atwood

Tiger's Wife, The
by Tea Obreht

Transit of Venus, The
by Shirley Hazzard (Australian)

Unusual Life of Tristan Smith, The by Peter Crey (Australian)

Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre

We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

Year of the Flood, The by Margaret Atwood

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Magical Realism
A literary style that incorporates magical or mythical elements into a realistic setting. 

11/22/63 by Stephen King

Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The by F Scott Fitzgerald

House of Spirits, The by Isabel Allende

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke

Satanic Verses, The by Salman Rushdie

Shadow of the Wind, The by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Time Traveller's Wife, The by Audrey Niffenegger

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A literary style that draws attention to the fictional nature of a work and is often used to explore the relationship between literature and reality. 

Big Over Easy, The by Jasper Fforde

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
by Susanna Clarke

Lovesong by Alex Miller (Australia)

The Messenger by Marcus Zusak

Princess Bride, The by William Goldman

Third Pig Detective Agency, The by Bob Burke

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A genre of literature that focuses on solving a crime or puzzle. 

19th Wife, The by David Ebershoff

4:50 From Paddington, The by Agatha Christie

A Body in the Library by Agatha Christie

A Child's Book of True Crime by Chloe Hooper (Australian)

A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle

An Iron Rose by Peter Temple (Australian)

And Then There Were None
by Agatha Christie

Big Four, The by Agatha Christie

Billie's Kiss by Elizabeth Knox

Broken Shore, The by Peter Temple (Australian)

By the Pricking of My Thumbs by Agatha Christie

Case of the Missing Servant, The by Tarquin Hall

Cat Amoungst the Pigeons by Agatha Christie

Cocaine Blues by Kerry Greenwood (Australian)

Death Before Wicket by Kerry Greenwood (Australian)

Drowning Ruth by Christina Shwarz

Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie

Flying Too High by Kerry Greenwood (Australian)

Forgotten Garden, The by Kate Morton

Hound of the Baskervilles, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder by Shamini Flint

Legacy, The by Kirsten Tranter (Australian)

Little Stranger, The by Sarah Waters

Lost Dog, The by Michelle de Kretser

Messenger, The by Markus Zusak (Australian)

Murder on a Midsummer Night
by Kerry Greenwood (Australian)

Mysterious Affair at Styles, The by Agatha Christie

Pilot's Wife, The by Anita Shreve

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

Secret Adversary, The by Agatha Christie

Shadow of the Wind, The by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Sign of the Four, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie

Sparkling Cyanide by Agatha Christie

Sunday Philosophy Club, The by Alexander McCall Smith

Third Pig Detective Agency, The by Bob Burke

Valley of Fear, The by Arthur Conan Doyle

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84 Charing Cross Drive by Helene Hanff

Bookshop Memories by George Orwell (1936) from Orwell's Collected Essays

Caged Virgin: An Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam, The by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Clandestine in Chile: The Adventures of Miguel Littin by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Duchess of Bloomsbury Street, The by Helene Hanff

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

French Fried by Chris Dolley

My Family and Other Animals by Gerard Durrell

Shakespeare by Bill Bryson

Suspicions of Mr Whicher, The by Kate Summerscale

Virunga: The Passion of Dian Fossey by Farley Mowat

Voices of Resistance: Muslim Women on War, Faith and Sexuality ed. Sarah Hussain

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A Room with a View by EM Forster

Barforth Trilogy, The by Brenda Jagger

Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh

Chocolat by Joanne Harris

Clouded Hills, The by Brenda Jagger

Cold Mountain
by Charles Frazier

Eucalyptus by Murray Bail (Australian)

Father Frank by Paul Burke

Flint and Roses by Brenda Jagger

Lady Chatterley's Lover by DH Lawrence

Land of Painted Caves, The by Jean M Auel

Lovesong by Alex Miller (Australian)

Memoirs of a Geisha
by Arthur Golden

One Day by David Nicholls

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Princess Bride, The by William Goldman

Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier

Sleeping Sword, The by Brenda Jagger

Time Traveller's Wife, The
by Audrey Niffenegger

Vintner's Luck, The
by Elizabeth Knox

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

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Science Fiction / Dystopian
Science fiction is a form of fiction that deals principally with the impact of actual or imagined science upon society or individuals. Dystopian fiction imagines worlds or societies where life is extremely bad because of deprivation, oppression or terror, and human society is full of misery. 

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

Blind Faith by Ben Elton

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Chrysalids, The by John Wyndham

Day of the Triffids, The by John Wyndham

Dune by Frank Herbert

Embassytown by China Miéville

Flatland by Edwin A. Abbott

From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne

His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman

Hunger Games, The by Suzanne Collins

Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne

Kraken Wakes, The by John Wyndham

Midwich Cuckoos, The by John Wyndham

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Nemesis by Isaac Asimov

Passage, The by Justin Cronin

Space Ranger by Isaac Asimov

Tomorrow When the War Began series, The by John Marsden (Australian)

Year of the Flood, The by Margaret Atwood

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Short stories

Boat, The by Nam Le (Australian)

Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The by F Scott Fitzgerald

Man With Two Left Feet and Other Stories, The by PG Wodehouse

Virago Book of Ghost Stories, The ed. Richard Dalby

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A genre of fiction that aims to create heightened feelings of suspense, anxiety, anticipating, excitement, and surprise in the reader. They are often action-packed, plot-driven, and full of twists. 

Collector, The by John Fowles

Deception Point by Dan Brown

Hell Island by Matthew Reilly

Jaws by Peter Benchley

Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton

Key to Rebecca, The by Ken Follett

Passage, The by Justin Cronin

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Young Adult / Children

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Anne's House of Dreams by LM Montgomery

Anne of Avonlea by LM Montgomery

Anne of Green Gables by LM Montgomery

Anne of the Island by LM Montgomery

Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catweazle by Richard Carpenter

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, The by Mark Haddon

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

Freddie and the Enormouse by Hugh Scott

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling

Harry Potter of the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling

His Dark Material Trilogy by Philip Pullman

Hunger Games, The by Suzanne Collins

Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey (Australian)

Kindling by Darren Groth (Australian)

Lean on Pete by Willy Vlautin

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Messenger, The by Markus Zusak (Australian)

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

New Moon by Stephanie Meyer

Railway Children, The by Edith Nesbit

Secret Garden, The by Frances Hodgson Burnett

Tales of Beedle the Bard, The by JK Rowling

Third Pig Detective Agency, The by Bob Burke

Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

Tom's Midnight Garden by Phillipa Pearce

Tomorrow When the War Began series, The by John Marsden (Australian)

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Wind in the Willows, The by Kenneth Graham

Witches, The by Roald Dahl

Wizard of Oz, The by L. Frank Baum

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Abbott, Edwin A Flatland

Adelaide, Debra Household's Guide to Dying, The (Australian)

Ali, Monica Brick Lane

Allende, Isabel House of Spirits

Asimov, Isaac Nemesis

Asimov, Isaac Space Ranger

Atwood, Margaret Surfacing

Atwood, Margaret Year of the Flood, The

Auel, Jean M Clan of the Cave Bear, The

Auel, Jean M Earth's Children Series, The

Auel, Jean M Land of Painted Caves, The

Auel, Jean M Mammoth Hunters, The

Auel, Jean M Valley of the Horses, The

Austen, Jane Pride and Prejudice

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Bail, Murray Eucalyptus

Baricco, Alessandro Silk

Bartulin, Lenny Black Russian, The

Baum, L Frank Wizard of Oz

Benchley, Peter Jaws

Bolano, Roberto By Night in Chile

Bronte, Charlotte Jane Eyre

Bronte, Emily Wuthering Heights

Brown, Dan Deception Point

Bryson, Bill Shakespeare

Buck, Pearl S Good Earth, The

Burke, Bob Third Pig Detective Agency, The

Burke, Paul Father Frank

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Carey, Peter Unusual Life of Tristan Smith, The (Australian)

Carpenter, Richard Catweazle

Carroll, Lewis Alice in Wonderland

Carroll, Lewis Through the Looking Glass

Chandler, Raymond Long Goodbye, The

Christie, Agatha 4:50 From Paddington, The

Christie, Agatha A Body in the Library

Christie, Agatha And Then There Were None

Christie, Agatha Big Four, The

Christie, Agatha By the Pricking of My Thumbs

Christie, Agatha Cat Amoungst the Pigeons

Christie, Agatha Dumb Witness

Christie, Agatha Mysterious Affair at Styles, The

Christie, Agatha Secret Adversary, The

Christie, Agatha Sleeping Murder

Christie, Agatha Sparkling Cyanide

Clark, Susanna Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Clarke, Marcus For the Term of His Natural Life (Australian)

Coelho, Paulo The Alchemist

Coetzee, JM Disgrace

Collins, Suzanne Catching Fire

Collins, Suzanne Hunger Games, The

Collins, Suzanne Mockingjay

Conan Doyle, Arthur A Study in Scarlet

Conan Doyle, Arthur Hound of the Baskervilles, The

Conan Doyle, Arthur Lost World, The

Conan Doyle, Arthur Sign of the Four, The

Conan Doyle, Arthur Valley of Fear, The

Crichton, Michael Jurassic Park

Cronin, Justin Passage, The

Croome, Andrew Document Z (Australian)

Curtin, Amanda Sinkings, The (Australian)

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Dahl, Roald Witches, The

Dalby, Richard ed. Virago Book of Ghost Stoies, The

Dark, Eleanor Timeless Land, The (Australian)

de Kretser, Michelle Lost Dog, The

Defore, Daniel Robinson Crusoe

Denton, Kit Breaker, The (Australian)

Disher, Gary Sunken Road, The (Australian)

Dolley, Chris French Fried

du Maurier, Daphne Rebecca

Durrell, Gerald My Family and Other Animals

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Ebershoff, David 19th Wife, The

Edwards, Kim Memory Keeper's Daughter, The

Eliot, George Mill on the Floss, The

Elton, Ben Blind Faith

Evans, Tess Book of Lost Threads, The (Australian)

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Fforde, Jasper Big Over Easy, The

Fitzgerald, F Scott The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Fitzgerald, F Scott The Great Gatsby

Flint, Shamini Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder

Follett, Ken Key to Rebecca, The

Fowles, John Collector, The

Franklin, Miles My Brilliant Career (Australian)

Franklin, Miles My Career Goes Bung (Australian)

Franzen, Jonathan Corrections, The

Frazier, Charles Cold Mountain

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Garcia Marquez, Gabriel Clandestine in Chile: The Adventures of Miguel Littin

Garner, Helen Spare Room, The (Australian)

Gilbert, Elizabeth Eat Pray Love

Golden, Arthur Memoirs of a Geisha

Graham, Kenneth Wind in the Willows

Greenwood, Kerry Cocaine Blues (Australian)

Greenwood, Kerry Death Before Wicket (Australian)

Greenwood, Kerry Flighing Too High (Australian)

Greenwood, Kerry Murder on a Midsummer Night (Australian)

Grenville, Kate Lilian's Story (Australian)

Grenville, Kate Secret River, The (Australian)

Groth, Darren Kindling (Australian)

Gruen, Sara Ape House

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Haddon, Mark Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, The

Hall, Rodney Day We Had Hitler Home, The (Australian)

Hall, Tarquin Case of the Missing Servant, The

Hanff, Helene 84, Charing Cross Road

Hanff, Helene Duchess of Bloomsbury Street, The

Hanif, Mohammed A Case of Exploding Mangoes

Harris, Joanne Chocolat

Hazzard, Shirley Transit of Venus, The

Heese, Marie Double Crown, The

Herbert, Frank Dune

Hirsi Ali, Ayaan Caged Virgin: An Emancipation Proclamation for Women and Islam, The

Hodgson Burnett, Frances Secret Garden, The

Hooper, Chloe A Child's Book of True Crime (Australian)

Husain, Sarah Voices of Resistance: Muslim Women on War, Faith and Sexuality

Hyland, Adrian Diamond Dove

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Jagger, Brenda Clouded Hills, The

Jagger, Brenda Flint and Roses

Jagger, Brenda Sleeping Sword, The

James, Henry Portrait of a Lady, The

James, Henry Turn of the Screw, The

James, PD A Certain Justice

Jennings, Kate Moral Hazard (Australian)

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Kafka, Franz Metamorphosis, The

Kingsolver, Barbara The Lacuna

Kipling, Rudyard The Jungle Book

Knox, Elizabeth Billie's Kiss

Knox, Elizabeth The Vintner's Luck

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Larsson, Stieg Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, The

Larsson, Stieg Girl who Played with Fire, The

Larsson, Stieg Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The

Lawrence, DH Lady Chatterley's Lover

L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time

Le, Nam Boat, The (Australian)

Lim, Suchen Rice Bowl

Lindsay, Joan Picnic at Hanging Rock (Australian)

Lodge, David Deaf Sentence

London, Jack Call of the Wild, The

Louis Stevenson, Robert Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The

Louis Stevenson, Robert Treasure Island

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Maguire, Gregory

Marsden, John Tomorrow, When the War Began Series, The (Australian)

May Alcott, Louissa Little Women

McCall Smith, Alexander Sunday Philosophy Club, The

McEwan, Ian The Children Act

McGahon, Andrew White Earth, The (Australian)

McGregor, Fiona Indelible Ink (Australian)

Meyer, Stephanie Breaking Dawn

Meyer, Stephanie Eclipse

Meyer, Stephanie New Moon

Meyer, Stephanie Twilight

Michaels, Ann Fugitive Pieces

Mieville, China Embassytown

Miller, Alex Lovesong (Australian)

Montgomery, LM Anne of Green Gables

Montgomery, LM Anne of Avonlea

Montgomery, LM Anne of the Island

Montgomery, LM Anne's House of Dreams

Morton, Kate Forgotten Garden, The

Mowat, Farley Virunga: The Passion of Dian Fossey

Munkara, Marie Every Secret Thing

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Nesbit, Edith The Railway Children

Nicholls, David One Day

Nooteboom, Cees Lost Paradise

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Obreht, Tea Tiger's Wife, The

Orwell, George Collected Essays: Bookshop Memories (1936)

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Pearce, Phillipa Tom's Midnight Garden

Pierre, DBC Vernon God Little

Pullman, Philip His Dark Material trilogy

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Reilly, Matthew Hell Island

Rhys, Jean Wide Sargasso Sea

Rice Burroughs, Edgar Tarzan of the Apes

Roberts, Gregory David Shantaram

Rowling, JK A Casual Vacancy

Rowling, JK Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Rowling, JK Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Rowling, JK Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Rowling, JK Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Rowling, JK Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Rowling, JK The Tales of Beedle the Bard

Rushdie, Salman Satanic Verses

Ruiz Zafon, Carlos Shadow of the Wind, The

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Schwarz, Christina Drowning Ruth

Scott, Hugh Freddie and the Enormouse

Shelley, Mary Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus

Shreve, Anita The Pilot's Wife

Shriver, Lionel We Need to Talk About Kevin

Silvery, Craig Jasper Jones (Australian)

Stoker, Bram Dracula

Suchen Lim, Christine Rice Bowl

Summerscale, Kate Suspicions of Mr Whicher, The

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Temple, Peter An Iron Rose (Australian)

Temple, Peter Broken Shore, The (Australian)

Tolkien, JRR Hobbit, The

Tolkien, JRR Lord of the Rings, The

Tranter, Kirsten Legacy, The (Australian)

Tsiolkas, Christos Slap, The (Australian)

Twain, Mark Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The

Twain, Mark The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

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Verne, Jules 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Verne, Jules Around the World in 80 Days

Verne, Jules From the Earth to the Moon

Verne, Jules Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Vlautin, Willy Lean on Pete

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Water, Sarah Little Stranger, The

Waugh, Evelyn Brideshead Revisited

Wodehouse PG Man With Two Left Feet and Other Short Stories, The

Wyndham, John Chrysalids, The

Wyndham, John Day of the Triffids, The

Wyndham, John Kraken Wakes, The

Wyndham, John Midwich Cuckoos, The

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Zusak, Markus Book Thief, The

Zusak, Markus Messenger, The

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