Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling

Most people out there have read the Harry Potter series by now. Those that are going to anyway. So, I won't bother recapping the story for everyone.

I have to admit that I am a massive fan of these books. I am in love. I am constantly in the process of re-reading these books. I have one next to bed and I read it for about 10mins each night before I go to sleep. When I finish a book, I move onto the next.

This one used to be my favourite of the series because so much happens. It is the first book where the publishers have really given JK Rowling full rain, and the result is a huge story. The book is all the better for it. Instead of only get a small glimpse into Harry's world, we get a big, long journey with him.

Goblet of Fire also has one of the tensest moments in the whole series if you ask me - the moment that Voldemort rises again. There is nothing like it. I hope that I haven't spoiled it for anyway, and I apologise if I have, but if you have seen the advertisements for movies, you have probably figured this much out anyway.

I also love that in this book Harry, Ron and Hermione are finally growing up. They don't feel quite as childlike in this book as they have in the previous 3. It is nice to see them growing up.

It is hard to put my finger on what I like about this series so much. I think that it is the true escapism it provides. JK Rowling has done such a wonderful job of creating this whole new world, you can't help but think that you are there with the characters, seeing what they are seeing and feeling what they are feeling. There are few books that have pulled me into their world so literally.

I have also written a spotlight in JK Rowling which you can read here.


What kind of read is this?
It is a children's book, so it isn't very challenging, even considering its length, but it is a magical read.

Do I recommend it?
There are not many books that I would recommend more

Do I recommend that you buy it?
Unequivocally. Re-reading these books is almost as magical as the first time. 

Star Rating

8 / 8

One of the best books I have ever read. Everyone should read it - it is totally amazing. I am in love.

(This is the first time I have awarded a book 8 /8)

Originally posted 5 May 2010 Page Turners

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