Page Turners returns to blogging

It has been a big break, but with two book reviews under my belt, I think I am back.

It was good to have a break from the blogging. I have learnt how easy it is to allow technology to play too significant a role in our lives. It wasn't until I stopped posting for awhile that I realised how much time I was spending in front of the computer. The break was also good just to give me some personal space to focus on other things for awhile.

I do enjoy writing my reviews, though, so I am back to do some more.

Having said that there are going to be some changes on Page Turners, the biggest being that I am going to focus a lot more a book reviews in the future. Then there is also the new colour sheme!


I think that the additional blogging activities were distracting me from what I really want to do, which is write about the books themselves. So, although I might participate in a meme every now and again, it won't be doing so regularly. I know that the majority of my audience comes from the weekly memes, but I have decided that the blogging needs to be more about my interests than having an audience.


Lights Camera Blog Action - I won't be running this anymore, although I have loved meeting you all very much. Thank you to everyone who participated - i hope other bloggers found more blogs to love through this feature.

Book Beginning on Friday - This was a very short lived feature, but again one I loved. Thank you to everyone who participated every week. I still love reading the opening lines of books, but I can't prioritise the meme anymore.

Having said that, is there anyone interested in taking over from me? It is lots of fun. If you would like to be the new host of Book Beginnings on Friday send me an email to pageturnersbooks at with a link to your blog and why you want to host BBOF. I will read through and decide who will be the next host.

A big thank you

Finally, a big thank you to all my loyal followers. I was so pleased when my first review back attracted close to 20 comments (a lot for one post at Page Turners). I will be around the place as usual leaving comments and I hope that you all still enjoy reading the slightly altered blog.

Originally postded 21 October 2010 Page Turners

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