Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling

Well, what can you say? We all know how wonderful Harry Potter is by now. It's not for everyone I accept, and I imagine that if you haven't read them by now then it probably isn't your thing. In any event, I don't think that I will give a recap of the plot here.

But I have to admit that I fell in love the first time I read this book, because I have read it over and over since.

I wish that I could recapture that special moment when I realised that I had found one of those books that will play an important role in my life, for the rest of my life.

This book (and the others in the series) are the books that I turn to when I need to read something familiar, something exciting, something adventurous and when I need cheering up.

I am almost always reading at least one of these books at any one time. I think what The Philosopher's Stone has over the later books is that it is the most succinct and concise. I love the rest of the books, but the editors were at their best with this first one. I imagine in my head that when they were editing this first book, they didn't realise just how popular the series would become and so they were strict on cutting it down. As they realised just how popular the series was becoming, they gave JK Rowling more rope and she wrote to her heart's content. I could completely wrong of course, that's just how it goes in my imagination.

This book out of all of them is also special for the way in which all the magic is introduced. It is truly a magical experience. I felt as if I was there with Harry, meeting Hagrid for the first time, watching that wall open onto Diagon Alley, seeing Hogwarts for the first time. It is such a special experience and one I can't help but love re-living over and over again.

It is also astounding to look back to the first novel, having read all of the others, and see those little details that later become crucial to the outcome of the story.


What kind of read is this?
Quick and easy. It is a children's book.

Do I recommend this book?
With all my heart.

Do I recommend that you buy this book?
There are not many books out there that I could recommend that you buy more. This is a keeper.

Star Rating

8 / 8
One of the best books I have ever read. Everyone should read it - it is totally amazing. I am in love.

Originally posted 10 June 2010 Page Turners

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