Page Turners Agatha Christie Week!! from 31st Jan - 6th Feb

From the 31st of January 2011 it will be Agatha Christie week here at Page Turners – let me tell you all about it.

I love Agatha Christie novels. I can't remember when I read my first Christie novel, but I do know that I have never stopped reading them ever since.

So, at the end of 2010 I went on a little bit of an Agatha Christie spree. Her mysteries are perfect reading material for the end of the year. They are compulsive but quick reads for when you are holidays (easy to put in a suitcase/handbag) and aren't taxing on the "little grey cells" when you have the pressures of Christmas to deal with.

The result is that I have a little back log of Agatha Christie reviews that need to be posted.

Then, I was very shocked recently when two of my friends said that they have never read anything by Agatha Christie. I immediately purchased a couple of her books for one my friends (hope you enjoy them K!) and hope to lend some to my other friend very soon (that's you J!).

So, I thought – why not dedicate an entire week to Agatha Christie reviews?

Thus, Page Turners Agatha Christie Week was born!

What will you find at Page Turners during Agatha Christie, I hear you asking? There will be reviews, useful links, quotes and whatever else I feel like.

Feel free to join in – comment on the reviews, share links to your own Christie reviews or write your own Agatha Christie posts and share them around.

Any suggestions for what you might like to see during Agatha Christie Week, don't hesitate to send me an email at pageturnersbooks (at)

* If anyone knows whether there should be an apostrophe somewhere in the phrase "Page Turners Agatha Christie Week" and where it should go, please tell me - I am hopeless when it comes to punctuation.

Originally posted 27 January 2011 Page Turners

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