Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: on audiobook

I want to start this 'review' by saying a couple of things. First of all, this is without a doubt one of my all-time favourite books. Second of all, I think that as far as reviewing it goes, there is absolutely nothing of value that I can contribute, so I am not going to write a book review of it.

"Then what am I reading?", I hear you asking. Well, within a couple of days I listened to Pride and Prejudice on audiobook and saw it reviewed on my favourite book club television show, the ABC First Tuesday of the Month Book Club. If you like to listen to people talk about books, then I highly recommend that you click on that click, there are hours of entertainment to be had.

Anyway, what I wanted to do was have a quick chat about how listening to the audiobook was different to reading the book, and to have a quick chat about some of the comments made on the book club show.

Pride and Prejudice on Audiobook

Now, I have read Pride and Prejudice many many times, so I didn't think that anything about that book could come as a surprise to me. Listening to it as an audiobook though did bring something new to me - just how funny this book is.

Now I know, it's funny. But when I read this book, I am usually more focused on Austen's beautiful language or the characterisation than the comedy.

As an audiobook though the story became so much funnier. Almost every line in the book is a one-liner. Hilarious stuff. And it is Austen's language that makes it so funny. These days comedy tends to be a little 'slapstick' or 'obvious'. Austen's humour is so dry and sarcastic. I laughed the whole way through the audio book.

Austen's language

Lionel Shriver was on the panel of the ABC First Tuesday Book Club, along with Colm Toibin who actually chose the book for the Book Club. I was surprised that what she didn't like about the book was the language. She said that she felt like she was waiting for Austen to get to the point, and that she felt at a distance from the characters. I thought it was interesting to hear her perspective because it is the language and the detail and the lengthy discussion and consideration of everything that attracts me to the story. Similarly, I feel very close to the characters when I am reading the story. I think that part of the point of Austen's stories is the detailed consideration of people's motivations and feelings.

I also wanted to add that I loved listening to Colm Toibin discuss the book. It was so endearing.

Not much of a review I know, but sometimes some books just result in something a little bit different!


What kind of read is this?
It's a book with beautiful language and beautiful characters, a wonderful read.

Do I recommend this book?
Yes, with all my heart.

Do I recommend you buy this book?
This is definitely one for the book shelf.

Star Rating

8 / 8

One of the best books I have ever read. Everyone should read it - it is totally amazing. I am in love.

Originally posted 7 June 2010 Page Turners

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