Results of the review rating poll

The results are in!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll and the to everyone who participated in the great discussion that followed my original post about rating books within your review.

Most people said that they rated their books mainly because it helped that gain some overall idea of how they enjoyed the books that they had read in the last year.

The results of the poll were that:
  • 9 people said that they always look at the rating given by the reviewer,
  • 6 people said that they sometimes look at the rating given by the reviewer, and
  • 3 people said that they never look at the rating given by the reviewer.
Whilst I am one of those people who is only interested in the review and never looks at other people's ratings, I will continue rating books I read on my 1 - 8 scale as I always have. It seems that it assist them majority of people and it definitely has its place in the book blogging world.

Hope that has helped other bloggers out there who were having the same thoughts.

Originally posted 12 January 2011 Page Turners

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