Labels - use them or lose them?

Labels - use them or lose them?

It's that time of year again - the time of year where I think about what changes (if any) I will make to my blog. Already I have posted a poll about rating books, and you can see the discussion about this here and the results of the poll here.

Now I am wondering - does anyone use the label's widget to navigate around other people's blogs?

You know the one I mean. It's definitely a widget in blogger (although I am not sure about wordpress) and it often appears in people's sidebars. It essentially takes all the labels you apply to your posts and creates a pretty list of them in different sized fonts according to how many posts have with that same label.

I label my posts, and I have this widget in my side bar - but it occurred to me - I have almost never used this widget to navigate around other people's book blogs and I wonder how often people use it to navigate around my own.

So, my main question is this - do you ever use the 'label' widget to navigate around other people's blogs?

If the answer is NO, then my second question is this - why do you have a 'label' widget in your own sidebar?

If you don't have a label widget in your sidebar, then this question isn't for you as I am assuming your answer would be that you don't display the widget because you don't use it on other people's blogs, although if your explanation is different, please share it with everyone.

If the answer is NO, then my third question is this - why do we give our posts labels at all?

My answer to this would be that it helps me search for posts with more ease. For example, I want to write about a post about my top 5 Australian books read in 2010, all I need to do is click on the 'Australian' label in the edit posts tab in blogger, and I am given the list of all my Australian books to have a look through and pick the best 5. What do you think?

I am looking forward to your comments and the results of the poll.

Originally posted 12 January 2011 Page Turners

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