Approaching my 1-year blogoversary

My 1-year blogoversary is on 22 June 2010 - just under a month away! I have been thinking about what to do celebrate. I have never had a giveaway, mainly because the cost associated with posting books all over the place is just something that I haven't been able to warrant spending at the moment because of other significant financial priorities.

Another thing I have noticed is this - my followers are creeping up towards 200! It is so rewarding to see so many people following my blog. Although it's important to blog for our purposes and satisfaction, it just wouldn't be the same if there weren't lovely people out there like yourselves following Page Turners and leaving comments on my book reviews and posts. I know a lot of people out there have a lot more followers than 200 by the time they reach their blogoversary, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

So, here is my hope. I want to reach 200 followers by my 1 year blogoversary! If I can do that, then I will have a double celebration. There will be a giveaway to celebrate each milestone. I will provide more details for each giveaway closer to the appropriate date.

Originally posted 25 May 2010 Page Turners

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