Summary of my first year blogging

Page Turners first birthday was yesterday, as so I thought that it might be fitting to have a post dedicated to all my blogging firsts!

Book Lovers Inc: As some of you may be aware, I have joined the team over at The Book Lovers Inc, a wonderful blog hosted by many different bloggers. I recently posted my first ever review on Book Lovers Inc - I reviewed The Boat by Nam Le, which I know a lot of people have said that they are interested in reading about. So, if you click on the name of the book, it will take to you to my Book Lovers Inc review debut!

My first review: The very first book I ever reviewed on Page Turners was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling. It is amazing to look back over my past reviews and see how they have changed (improved, lol) over time. 

My first Australian review: The first Australian book I reviewed on Page Turners was Eucalyptus by Murray Bail. I had very mixed feelings about this book, I wanted to love it, but couldn't quite. It's worth a read.

My first author interview: I felt so lucky to be able to interview Marie Heese, author of The Double Crown, which won the Best Book of Africa in the 2010 Commonwealth Writers Prize.

Challenges: I began to host my first ever challenge, The Aussie Author Challenge. After I started it, I discovered another blog was already hosting the same challenge. I have kept mine going, but probably won't run my own next year. I have also completed my first ever challenge, The Chunkster Challenge.

Features: I used to run many features in the past but cut down. Now the only 2 features I have are Lights, Camera Blog Action (where I interview other bloggers) and Book Beginnings on Friday (where everyone can join in and share the first line of their book with everyone. 

Memes: Here are some links to my first ever meme posts; my first ever It's Monday post, my first ever Teaser Tuesday post and my first ever Booking Through Thursday post.

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There have been many other firsts for me, like the first time I really realised how much I enjoyed blogging about books, but these seem to be the easiest ones to share with everyone. I hope that you have the time to check some of the out!

I am also hoping, in honour of Page Turners first birthday, to share some photos of my bookcases. Check back in throughout the week to see my shelves.

Originally posted 23 June 2010 Page Turners

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