Summer at Hogwarts

I haven't had a chance to let everyone know that I will be participating in Loving Book's Summer at Hogwarts - a Harry Potter Read-a-Long.

It started June 1, 2010. I knew that I might be having trouble reading because of my eye surgery, so I pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on audio book which I have been listening to and experiencing its healing powers.

If anyone else is interested in participating, then head on over the Loving Books and check it out.

Her opening question to everyone was: Who is your favourite character? This is so hard, because they are all so wonderful. Mine probably varies according to my mood. I definitely rate Hermione very highly. She is so similar to me - so studious and scared of getting into trouble. But she has this amazing strength of character that means she can stand up for what's right and support her friends through thick and thin. I think that she also changes to most out of her, Harry and Ron throughout the series. You really get to see her grow into adulthood. Having said that, I absolutely love Hagrid too. I love his honestly and his loyalty. I think he is the most loyal out of all the characters in the book. But then, how can you go past Dumbledore?!

Her second question was this: Where would The Sorting Hat place you? Well, if I were to be honest - I suspect it might put me in Ravenclaw. I am not brave or courageous enough to be in Gryffindor, and I think I might be just clever enough to scrape myself out of Hufflepuff (although this would be a close second). The only thing that makes me doubt that I would be in Ravenclaw are the questions that the Ravenclaw painting asks in the final book of Professor McGonagall and of Luna Lovegood to get into the common room - I am not sure that I could answer those questions :-)

Originally posted 5 Junee 2010 Page Turners

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