Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by JK Rowling

Having already met Harry in the Philosopher's Stone, this is the book where we start to get stuck into a little bit more of Harry's history with Voldemort. I love the way that JK Rowling just sort of lets little bits and pieces of information come out over time, leaving the readers to piece together the puzzle.

In this book, there is a mysterious presence in the castle that is petrifying animals, ghosts and people left right and centre. Harry is hearing voices that no one else can, and we discover that he can speak Parseltongue (a fact that will become increasingly significant as the series progresses). Hermione is her usual preppy self, and Ron is his usual side kick self.


I don't know why, but this Harry Potter book is probably my least favourite of the series. There is just something about the story that doesn't grab me. Perhaps this sound a little crazy but maybe the story in this one is just a little bit too farfetched. I mean really, how can a giant snake have been going around the school corridors with no one noticing? What a co-incidence that it only happens to catch a few people off guard when no one else is around, and those people just happen to be suspiciously connected to Harry. That's what I mean by it being just a little bit too farfetched for me.

I also thought the way in which the finger was pointed at Hagrid was very clumsy. Him being in Knockturn Alley. The giant spider. Being expelled. It just felt very forced.

In hindsight, I think that JK Rowling was also trying to give clues about Ginny's involvement in the whole mystery, but again I don't think that it was well done.

There were things that I enjoyed; meeting Fawkes and Professor Lockheart are definitely highlights for me. And for as much as this was my least favourite, it is still part of my favourite series and deserves a high rating.


What kind of read is this?
Being a children's book, it is quick, easy and magical.

Do I recommend this book?
Without reservations.

Do I recommend that you buy this book?

Star Rating

7 / 8

Brilliant, couldn't put it down. Recommend that you buy it.

Originally posted 24 June 2010 Page Turners

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