The Man with Two Left Feet and other stories by PG Wodehouse

The Man with Two Left Feet and Other Stories is a collection of short stories, which is a genre I am not particularly familiar with. I was motivated to read it by a review of the title short story that I read on The Reading Life, and I wasn't disappointed.

Each story was so captivating. I was very surprised at how detailed each little world that Wodehouse created was. Whether the stories were written in the first person or third person or whether the narrator/main character was male or female, each character had such a distinct and individual voice that you almost wouldn't have known that they were written by the same author.

Wodehouse has such a wonderful, dry, sense of humour. I think that my favourite short story was about a young newly married couple in New York on their honeymoon. It had such a twist at the end, that I couldn't help but smile. There was something funny and lovable contained in each story; like the dog who destroyed his owner's criminal career, and the grandfather who believed that he was the King of England.

Despite short stories not being one of my favourite genres, these stories were truly delightful.


What kind of read is this?
A very sweet collection of stories, that takes longer to get through than you might think.

Do I recommend it?
Yes, I enjoyed having a nice break from long stories. It was especially suitable to reading on ebook.

Do I recommend that you buy it?
As cute and lovable as I think the stories were, it isn't one that I think you would need to keep on your shelf.

Star Rating

5 / 8

Good and worth reading if you have the opportunity, but there is no need to prioritise it.

Book Details: A Project Gutenberg eBook read on the Stanza application on my iPhone.

Originally posted 16 May 2010 Page Turners

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