April 2010

That's a Wrap - April 2010

This month was a good month. In last month's That's a Wrap post, I said that I would have to start using the computer a little less because it was beginning to interfere a little with my family time. Well, I did do a lot less having given up some of the features that I was posting, and I am still pleased that I am able to have fun, write my reviews and people are still coming to Page Turners and leaving comments, so thanks everyone. 

I am pleased that I got a lot of reviews done this month:

  • The Legacy by Kirsten Tranter
  • Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
  • The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James
  • The Spare Room by Helen Garner
  • The Key to Rebecca by Ken Follett
  • Lost Paradise by Cees Nooteboom
  • Moral Hazard by Kate Jennings
  • Surfacing by Margaret Atwood

That's just the books that I reviewed. I still have more reviews outstanding. 

For the first time ever, I participated in Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon, although I didn't read for the full 24 hours. I still had fun though. I would do it again, but I don't think that I could ever do the full 24 hours to be honest. I appreciate my sleep a little too much. 

I also started a new system this month for labelling any posts in which I talk about books, writing and other literary issues. These posts are now labelled 'Literary Discussion'. This month I posted:

  • Light bulb moment...
  • Really interesting articles about books, authors and writing
  • How do you feel about memes?
  • Dymocks 101 List
  • Basement books selling online
  • UNSW Book Fair
  • Miles Franklin vs Prime Ministers Literary Awards

I also received the One Lovely Blog Award from Loving Books. Make sure you have a look at this wonderful blog.

Other than that, I hosted my usual memes, Lights Camera Blog Action and Book Beginnings on Friday. From May onwards, Lights Camera Blog Action will be hosted on a Thursday rather than a Friday.  If anyone is interested in seeing the contributions for this month, you can click on the relevant label in my sidebar.

I also participated in my usual memes hosted by others; It's Monday, what are you reading? and Teaser Tuesday. If anyone is interested in seeing my posts for this month, you can click on the relevant label in my sidebar.

And that has been my month. Thanks to everyone who popped by and had a read and/or left a comment. It was nice to have old followers back, see new followers appear and talk to everyone else in between :-)

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