Pages: 105
Publisher: Children's High-Level Group
Published: 2008 (Great Britain)
Language: English
ISBN: 978 0 7475 9987 6
Book Review
I loved the Harry Potter series, loved, loved, loved it - and so I couldn't help myself but read The Tales of Beedle the Bard. I know a lot of people who have strong views about this book just being published as a money spinner, which the cynical side of me is sure is true, but all the same I couldn't help but read the stories that became so central in the final instalment of the Harry Potter series.
I have to admit that I as I read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (which incidentally was my first ever review which you can read here) I imagined The Tales of Beedle the Bard to be a big thick book, and obviously the reality we now have is a lot thinner. Despite this though, I found the stories really sweet. I love a good old fairytale with a moral to tell at the end. Fairytales often involve normal people like you and me, who become in some way the victim of bad magic. So, it was nice to see fairytales from the perspective of magical people. This was a really nice way to end the Harry Potter series.
What kind of read is this?
It is a children's book, so it only takes a very short time to read. I know a lot of the time I say that reads are "quick and easy", but this is the epitome of a quick and easy read.
Do I recommend it?
Without a doubt!
Do I recommend that you buy it?
I think so, it's cheap and small and is a nice edition to the Harry Potter series if you have that sitting on your bookshelf.
Star Rating
6 / 8
Really enjoyable and well written. I would recommend it.
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