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Book Review
I don't know why, but it feels a little bit hard to review this book. I think that everyone knows the story by now, the March girls and their adventures in Life and Love. I really loved this classic. All the March girls are very special in their own way, all have their strengths and weaknesses, but all of them love each other very much and try so hard to be good people that you can only hope but to be like them. As a child, I always wanted to be Jo and the feeling is still the same.
I particularly loved Mrs March. She is the type of mother I hope to be some day. The mother who lets the girls make their own choices and live their own lives, giving them enough freedom to be themselves, whilst at the same time always being there for them whether it turns out for the good or the bad.
I think that it would have been better to read the book before watching the movies, but I am so familiar with the movie now (the Winona Ryder version) that as I was reading, I was picturing the movie unfolding. This took some of the enjoyment out of it for me.
I also enjoyed the closer look at Meg and John Brooke's relationship that the book provided. It is nice to see that the problems they experience as newlyweds and new parents are the same as those that are experienced in this day and age. How do you balance your own wants and needs with that of the other, and how do you then balance your relationship with the challenge of raising a child? Some issues are timeless it would seem. And yet at the same time, it is clear that attitudes to marriage and gender roles are very different in modern times.
What I think that I am trying to say is that for me, Little Women made me to some extent reflect that despite societal changes in gender roles and other such things, the daily experiences of these things have not.
What kind of read is it?
It's a children's book, but it's a lovely story with many morals to share.
Do I recommend it?
Of course. It is so sweet and the lessons it has are timeless.
Do I recommend buying it?
That's a hard question to answer. I think that borrowing it would be fine, depends on how much you love it.
Star Rating
Really enjoyable and well written. I would recommend it.

Originally posted 22 February 2010 Page Turners
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