Freddie and the Enormouse by Hugh Scott
In line with reviewing a book from childhood last week, I thought that I would review a childhood book this week as well.
I think that I can say that Freddie and the Enormouse is one of my all-time favourite (children's) books. The story is about Freddie, who finds himself newly orphaned and going to live with his uncle/aunt and cousin in the country. They are rich; very rich. They live in a castle, complete with indoor pools, suits of armour, dining rooms, roof top terraces, extensive grounds and a lake with a castle. He finds that he gets on well with his cousin Lindsay, but not so well with her cousin Anaglypta who comes to stay with them as well.
It's an adventure book - the children soon discover that there are giant mice living under the house and under the lake. They decide that telling their parents would only take all the fun out of it, so the three of them adventure down the mouse's hole and go on a mission to find proof that these monsters exist.
It is a very exciting book, and even comes with a warning halfway through from the author. He warns that the book is far too scary for adults and that only children should proceed to read the second half of the story. I loved reading that warning as a child; it made me feel special, like I was on an adventure myself.
To be honest, I probably don't recommend reading this as an adult, I don't think that it would have the impact that it does on a child. I can re-read it now and enjoy it, but mainly because it brings back childhood memories. If anyone has children, I recommend buying this one as a present for them!
Originally posted 7 March 2010 Page Turners
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