Why am I writing about the movie when I should be reviewing the book? Mainly to explain my motivation for reading the book (although also to recommend the movie!).
I didn't know when I decided to read the book that was by F Scott Fitzgerald, nor that it was a short story. I was pleased to discover these facts though. I really enjoyed The Great Gatsby and I knew there was segment on Radio National's Book Show on short stories that I was interested in listening to, so it was good timing to read this book.
I really enjoyed the story, although it wasn't what I expected. It was very different to the movie in terms of the details of the storyline, although the essence of the story was the same. It's the story of Benjamin Button, born out of the norm, in a hospital. To everyone's surprise and harrow, he is born as an elderly man with the capacity of speech and the ability to look after himself. Despite this, his father insists on him being treated as a baby. As Benjamin ages, he grows younger in appearance and the story details his adventures as he grows younger.
It was a very sweet story, although perhaps not as sweet as the movie adaptation. There wasn't really room for character development in the short story, and it wasn't very clear where Benjamin's mother was. I don't know if I'm reading too much into it, but I think it was a nice 'metaphor' for the cycle of life. We need looking after as a young child and as an elderly person perhaps. Bejamin lives this cycle, needing care at the beginning and at the end of his life, only in reverse. He still manages to live a fulfilling life despite his additional challenges,
I think that the ideas contained in this story are nice, even if I enjoyed the embellishments in the movie a little more. If you have a spare 20 mins, I would definitely give this a go.
Star Rating
6 / 8
Really enjoyable and well written. I would recommend it.
Originally posted 6 December 2009 Page Turners
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