I read this book as an ebook on my iphone. It can be hard to read books on a phone, but this one worked perfectly for 'e-reading'. I had heard that Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were difficult to read, but I found The Adventures of Tom Sawyer an easy and fun read. The book itself essentially just recounts the adventures of Tom Sawyer (hence the title!), a young boy out to have fun.
What I loved most about it was how it rambled from adventure to adventure so smoothly. I thought it was a lovely depiction of childhood adventures. It reminded me of when I was young and used to go down to the local creek and play imaginary games that seemed so real (or I wanted to be so real!). And I loved that just when you're thinking "How cute is he, that’s a great story to imagine!", his imaginings actually turn out to be true.
There's not a lot I want to say about this book, except that it's very sweet and worth reading!
Now I'll have to read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn next!
Originally posted 16 July 2009 Page Turners
What I loved most about it was how it rambled from adventure to adventure so smoothly. I thought it was a lovely depiction of childhood adventures. It reminded me of when I was young and used to go down to the local creek and play imaginary games that seemed so real (or I wanted to be so real!). And I loved that just when you're thinking "How cute is he, that’s a great story to imagine!", his imaginings actually turn out to be true.
There's not a lot I want to say about this book, except that it's very sweet and worth reading!
Now I'll have to read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn next!
Star Rating
6 / 8
Really enjoyable and well written. I woul recommend it.
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