Pages: 497
Publisher: Atom
Published: 2007
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-904233-88-6
Book Review
I have to admit to not enjoying it as much as I did the first book. It took me quite a while to get into it, but once I got into the second half, I did get a lot more involved in the story (people did warn me this would happen). I suppose all of the books in the series will be similar; a big long build up where nothing much happens, leading to the climax with a bit of action.
My only other difficulty is the writing, I just don't think it's very good. I know, I know, who am I to judge? I couldn't write myself out of a paper bag if I needed to. Maybe it's just that in my mind I am comparing it to the Harry Potter series, which far outstrips the Twilight series in story and the quality of the writing (in my humble opinion). Perhaps it's just that the book is written for teenagers, and I am used to reading for an older age group. There's just something about the writing that doesn't seem good to me.
The book had me laughing out loud - especially at the part where Edward proposes to Bella. That was hilarious. She is dying (pardon the pun) for Edward to turn her into a vampire so that they can be together for all eternity - but woah, hold your horses - marriage?! She's too young for that sort of commitment. I couldn't stop laughing as I read this bit.
What kind of read is this?
Do I recommend it?
Do I recommend that you buy it?
I do recommend buying it if you have the rest of the series. I don't know about you, but I am someone that particularly likes to own a series if I have actually read it.
Star Rating
This is tricky to rate. Although technically I don't have a system for rating half stars, I am going with 5.5 stars.
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