Moral Hazard by Kate Jennings

Book Details

Pages: 175
Published: 2003
Publisher: Pan MacMillan Australia
Language: English

Book Review

I have to admit that I was unimpressed with this book. I purchased it at the Sydney Book Fair last year and got around to reading it during the 24-hour Blog-a-Thon earlier this month. 

I thought that it sounded interesting. Here is the synopsis from the back of the book:

"Wall Street, the mid 1990's. Gargantuan Egos, fabulous vainglory, juicy hypocrisy. Cath, a sardonic, ex-sixties radical, takes a job as a corporate speechwriter in order to support Bailey, her husband, who has Alzheimer's. She cuts through byzantine office politics and masters mad-math finance but has to confront the realisation that she's in a moral maze of love and loathing as the world of banking runs, like Bailey's poor mind, wildly out of control."

I thought this sounded interesting and like it had potential. But it didn't really. Maybe you might enjoy this if you had an interest in banking and finance, but as I had no such interest, I just found it boring. The chapters alternate between Cath's experiences on Wall Street and her experiences with her husband Bailey, who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's at the beginning of the book. I found the chapters about her husband the most interesting by far. It gave an insight into this horrible disease without a doubt. But my mild interest in these chapters still couldn't recover the book for me.


What kind of read is this?
It is a very short book at only 175 pages, so it doesn't take long to read. Other than that, I would suggest that it is a boring read. 

Do I recommend this book?
No. Unless you have an interest in finance, then maybe.

Do I recommend that you buy this book?
Absolutely not. 

Star Rating

2 / 8

Don't bother

Originally posted 24 April 2010 Page Turners

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