Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

A Blast from the Past is a weekly meme where I intend to review book that I read in the past that has had some form of impact upon me, whether it be good or bad.

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

My sister bought this book for me as a Christmas present a couple of years ago, and I really enjoyed it. It is written by an Australian author, and it tells the story of a man who has escaped from an Australian gaol and has fled the country to India to hide from those that are looking for him.

It details his time in India, he meets a woman he falls in love with, moves to the slums where he provides medical attention to others, becomes involved in organised crime, relapses back to heroin abuse and becomes involved in war. The book is so long and the plot so varied that I don't think that I could do it justice.

It is a very large book and took some time to read. I remember reading it and not being able to put it down, but on the other hand there were parts of the book that I found really really slow and (I hate to admit it) skipped some parts. On the other hand, it is one of those books where you really become involved in the story and the characters. I know it sounds like a contradiction, but it isn't to me.

Originally posted 7 February 2010 Page Turners

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