A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

A Blast from the Past is a weekly meme where I intend to review book that I read in the past that has had some form of impact upon me, whether it be good or bad.

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

I remember reading A Wrinkle in Time as a child in primary school and really liking it. I have always had a weakness for science-fiction, and never read them as much as I want to.

I think the best way to describe the plot of the book is to provide you with the back cover of the edition that I own:
"Charles goes searching for his lost father through 'a wrinkle in time' with his sister Meg and friend Calvin. They find themselves on an evil planet, where all life is ruled by a huge pulsating brain known as IT."
It is actually a lot more complicated than that description. For example, there are 3 wonderful old ladies, Mrs Which, Mrs Whatsit and Mrs Who and we learn that they used to be stars. Their role in the story is to help the children in their journey through the wrinkle in time to rescue their father. The book has some very intriguing ideas about time and our human desire to conform.

book was well and truly one of those science fiction books I loved as a child. It's definitely a children's book but having re-read it many times as an adult (although admittedly not recently) I think that you appreciate in a different way as an adult. As a child though, I just wished that I was like Charles. I don't know of that seems weird, given he was the social outcast, but that's how it is.

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