February 2010

That's A wrap - February

Well, it's been another big month on Page Turners. This month's posts alone climbed higher than all of last year's together, and I reached over 1,000 visits. Thanks to everyone who has helped me achieve these milestones.


I reviewed 5 books this month:
  • New Moon by Stephanie Meyer
  • Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  • Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  • Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay
There are still 3 books that I have yet to review: The Secret River by Kate Grenville, The Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edward and Capricornia by Xavier Herbert. I do have a draft of The Memory Keepers Daughters review written, I just need to get around to typing it.

To be honest, it took me so long to read Capricornia, I am not sure that I actually want to review it. This is a first for me. 

Special Features and Memes

On Great Authors I discussed:
  • Margaret Atwood
  • Bryce Courtney
On Wonderfully Short Wednesdays I reviewed:
  • The Lady or the Tiger by Frank Stockton
  • The Wicker Husband by Ursula Willis-Jones
On Thoughtful Thursday I discussed the following topics:
  • Novels in a time of change
  • Second-hand books vs new books
  • To lend or not to lend?
  • How important is the book cover?
On Lights Camera Blog Action I featured the following wonderful blogs:
  • One Inch Tall
  • Paperback Reader
  • Bookworming in the 21st Century
  • Cover to Cover
Finally, I looked at 4 great books this month in A Blast from the Past:
  • A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L'Engle
  • The Princess Bride by William Goldman
  • Lady Chatterley's Lover by DH Lawrence
  • Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts
Challenges and Competitions

I am still plodding along with all the challenges that I have joined. My only news here is that I joined the Chunkster Challenge, and have read 1 book that counts so far.

My Followers Competition is going strong. Lots of people have won Winners Page's and there will be more to come.

That has been my month. On a personal note, I have had trouble finding a balance between reading and blogging and blogging and my family life. I think that my wonderful boyfriend is becoming a bit resentful of the amount of time I spend on my computer blogging and the amount of time I spend talking about my blog. I will continue with all my special features, reviews and meme participation, but if anyone notices me commenting less over the next month, I will be trying not to spend too much time on the computer for the next 4 weeks as something of an experiment.

I also started in a new position at my workplace which I am enjoying so far, and fortunately I have had my contract extended to December 2010, which means I will have a job guaranteed until then, very exciting news.

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