The Reader's Bill of Rights

I came across this today and fell in love. I cannot take credit, it comes from Kittling: Books, a blog I highly recommend to everyone.

The Reader's Bill of Rights

All readers have:
  • the right not to read
  • the right to skip pages
  • the right not to finish
  • the right to reread
  • the right to read anything
  • the right to escapism
  • the right to read anywhere
  • the right to browse
  • the right to read out loud
  • the right not to defend their tastes

I think this is wonderful - a reader's bill of rights. My particular favourites are:

  • the right to skip pages - I can be a bit guilty of this, I am also guilty of skimming,
  • the right to read anywhere - that's why I love my iPhone, I can have a book wherever I go, and I will read wherever I am because of it, sometimes it gets me into trouble for reading at inappropriate times or places, but I can't help myself, and
  • the right to read out loud - I love reading out loud and my boyfriend hates it, but every now and then he gives in lets me read to him, sometimes we compromise, and I read the sports pages from the newspaper to him

This is going to be my new personal manifesto - it is going on the fridge where it belongs

Originally posted 17 March 2010 Page Turners

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