My reading habits in 2009

Before I complete the next review, I just wanted to explain something about my reading habits. I usually have 3 separate books on the go at one time, but they are all for different purposes.

I am always reading a new book that I haven't read before as my main book, and this is the one that is most commonly reviewed on my blog and makes an appearance on my "Reading List". I also, however, like to read just before I go to sleep, it helps me take my mind off the day and get ready to sleep. The problem is, if I read my usual book right before I go to bed, I have a lot of trouble putting it down and then I end up staying up too late. So, the second book I have on the go is the one that i read right before i go to bed. It will always be a book that I have read a million times before, like a Harry Potter novel, or a Lord of the Rings book. As I have read it a million times before it is easy to put down, turn the lights off and go to sleep.

I like to read whenever I get the opportunity, but sometimes it's difficult to have enough time to pull a book out of your back and read it meaningfully. So, the third book that I usually have on the go is an e-book, that is, a book I have downloaded onto my iPhone that I will read whenever I find myself with a spare 15mins or so. For example, if I'm waiting at the doctors, if I'm taking a very short train trip, if I'm waiting for someone. It is usually something easy.

I'm not sure that this explanation was really necessary, but I thought sometimes it's also interesting to hear about their reading habits.

Originally posted 13 October 2009 Page Turners

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