So, I started 'Page Turners', and the more I wrote and read other people's blogs, the more I realised that I wanted to share my reading experiences and my enthusiasm for books with other people, regardless of age, sex, location, race, occupation or gender. I have worked so hard lately in my full-time job (I'm a solicitor by trade), that I have found it hard to put in the time to my blog this year that I would like to have done. Having said that, it is nice to be able to dedicate some time to a real interest outside of work, and my goal is to put in a lot more time next year.

I genuinely hope that 2010 (only 3 days away!) brings me the opportunity to share my books and literary thoughts with others all around the world; to share my enthusiasm and make recommendations on good books, in short, to share the book love!
I have several plans for what I hope to do to on 'Page Turners' in 2010:
- revamp the look of 'Page Turners';
- begin weekly/fortnightly/monthly features;
- giveaways;
- provide more specific details of the books themselves within the book reviews;
- increase my blogging volume (although I recognise that this will be a challenge given work commitments); and
- create a blogroll of the blogs I love reading and taking suggestions from people about their blogs.
Originally posted 29 December 2009 Page Turners
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