Dust jackets
This week will be a very short Thoughtful Thursday, but it is something I realised about myself recently and I was wondering what everyone else thought about it.
Dust jackets - I find dust jackets really annoying. Is that strange. I have quite a few hardcovers, and on almost all of them I have removed dust jackets. The other day I cleaned under my bed, and I found all these dust jackets under there that had come off the books and never gone back on. I am looking at my bookcase right now, and not a single one of my Harry Potter series has its dust jacket still on.
I just don't understand their purpose. I mean I do, to take dust off the books. But really, why? Aren't paperbacks just as likely to accumulate dust and they don't have the annoying things.
I think the problem I have with them is that they just seem to get in the way. They are loose. They flap around. They look quite ratty if you carry the book around with you (which I do all the time). I just don't like them.
So now it's out to you - how do you feel about dust jackets?
Thanks to Cori from "Let's Eat Grandpa" (please check out my Lights, Camera Blog Action post for more information about this great blog), who bought to my attention an interesting article written about this issue. The article in from The Guardian and can be found at this link: "No Dustjackets Required".
Originally posted 4 March 2010 Page Turners
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