End of Agatha Christie week


A big thank you to everyone who participated in Agatha Christie Week. 

It is the first time that I have dedicated an entire week to a single author and I have had a lot of fun doing so, especially with an author as creative as Agatha Christie.

It was made all the more satisfying for your shared enthusiasm and contributions to Agatha Christie Week. Christie's books have provided me with hours of entertainment over the years and it was a pleasure to share my enjoyment of her books with you.

In case anyone missed anything:
  • you have the opportunity to share links to your own Agatha Christie reviews at this post,
  • there was also a lot of interesting discussion on Tuesday's post 'Which Agatha Christie Detective is your favourite',
  • share your recommendations for authors and/or books that you think an Agatha Christie fan might enjoy here 

There was also three Christie reviews posted for those of you looking for a good read:
  • A Body in the Library (Miss Marple)
  • Cat Amoung the Pigeons (Hercule Poirot)
  • Sleeping Murder (Miss Marple) 

In honour of Agatha Christie week, I also made a point of watching a televised version of one of her books - Evil Under the Sun, starring amoungst many famous actors, one of my favourites Maggie Smith. I am a big fan of the movie/tv versions of Christie books, and I especially enjoy watching David Suchet's depiction of Hercule Poirot, easily the most accurate portrayal of this eccentric detective.

Have you watched many of the televised versions of Agatha Christie's novels? I would love to know what you think of them and who your favourite actors are that have played the various characters.

Thanks again for participating and I hope you will pop back in next week for some different but no less interesting reviews.

Originally posted 6 February 2011 Page Turners

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