Review: The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie has a whole host of different detectives, and it is in The Secret Adversary that Tommy and Tuppence are introduced to the world. 

There's not a whole lot to Agatha Christie novels, so I won't torment you with a long and boring review.

What I really enjoyed about this plot was that it was significantly more complicated than most of her other books in my experience. I appreciated the complexity of it; it built the tension up nicely and kept me guessing close to the end.

Having said that, what I also loved about this book was that I actually guessed who the 'bad-guy' was before the end of the book, something I rarely accomplish with a good Christie novel.

Tommy and Tuppence are not my favourite of Agatha Christie's detectives, but they fit the nature of this plot very effectively.

If you are a Christie fan but are looking for something a bit out of the usual, then this could be a good choice for your next Agatha Christie read.

6 / 8
Really enjoyable and well written. I would recommend that you read it.

Are Tommy and Tuppence your favourite Agatha Christie detectives? Feel free to share your thoughts of this one if you have read it.

Originally posted 23 September 2011 Page Turners

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