Books I read on my baby moon in New Caledonia

I actually read this question on another person's blog, but I thought it was so relevant to me right now that I couldn't help but pose it to my followers as well:

What kind of books do you like to read when you are on holidays?

I am currently on holidays in beautiful New Caledonia. Since our first baby is due in 19 weeks, we thought we had better have a nice holiday away, and where better to have a relaxing trip than a beautiful tropical island?!

Needless to say, I came prepared with 7 books for my 2-week holiday. I had thought that I was maybe going a little overboard but so far it is proving perfect. These are the books I have bought with me:
  • The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien
  • The Return of the King by JRR Tolkien
  • The Big Over Easy by Jasper Fforde
  • Dumb Witness by Agatha Christie
  • The Third Pig Detective Agency by Bob Burke
  • The Midwich Cuckoos by John Wyndham 
  • The Case of the Missing Servant by Tarquin Hall
All of these are either re-reads of very old favourites (The Two Towers, The Return of the King, The Third Pig Detective Agency) or they are books that I consider will be easy and engaging reads. I have never been able to put down a John Wyndham book once I have started it, so I am especially looking forward to that.

So that's my answer - when on holidays I usually read re-reads, easy reads or reads I know I won't be able to put down. 

I know a lot of people like to use the excessive reading time to get stuck into something big and challenging, but I much more into giving my mind as well as my body a break while I am on holidays.

So what about you? What is your ideal holiday read?

Originally posted 23 October 2011 Page Turners

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