Here he is, Baby Page Turners aka Rafael and... can you believe it he is almost 7 months old.
He is the most adorable thing that there ever was. Although I sometimes find his a little frustrating (go the eff to sleep) every single moment is worth it.
This is a photo of him in his cot. We haven't transitioned him from our bedroom yet, but hopefully I will be ready to let him sleep in his big boy bed soon. No crawling yet, but he's giving it his best shot.
His favourite books are The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Where is the Green Sheep?
I have been doing a lot of re-reading simply because I find it isn't too challenging to my fuzzy baby brain. I have fit a few new books in there though. Now, I just need to find more time to actually get on the computer.
Originally posted 17 September 2012 Page Turners
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