New review resources on Page Turners

I have been working very hard lately to bring two new pages to Page Turners:

Reviews by Genre 


Reviews by Year.

In Reviews by Genre, you will be able to find reviews to the books I have read in one of two ways. The first is by genre. There is a link to each book under the appropriate genre. Where a book falls into two or more genres, you will find multiple links. The second is by author surname. So, if there is an author you are particularly fond of, or are interested in knowing more about, you can see whether or not I have reviewed any of their works and, in the event that you find them, read a review of their worlds.

In Reviews by Year, you will find reviews of the books I have read in the order that I have read them. You might notice that at times there are books I haven't reviewed. In almost all cases, this is because the books have been so wonderful they I haven't been able to do them justice in a review and so have not reviewed them. In 2009, however, there are many books referred to without links to their reviews, and this is because I started blogging in June 2009 and therefore haven't reviewed books read prior to that date.

Why these two new pages?

Sometimes when I find a new blog I like to have a look at what books they have reviewed recently and who they read a lot of. This helps me to determine whether we have similar taste in books and whether I might become a more regular visitor. For blogs I am already familiar with, it helps me to find reviews of books I want to read and to see what their opinion of that book is. In other words, I have found pages like these helpful when looking for new blogs and navigating blogs I am already familiar with. So, I thought that it might in turn be useful to have pages like these for my readers.

On a more personal level, it allows me to keep track of my reading. With these lists, I can determine whether I favour a particular genre, who my most read authors are as well as a variety of other patterns in my reading. One of the reasons I started my blog was to become a more critical reader. I hope that these new pages will assist me to be more critical of my own reading habits and make changes and improvements where I think that it might help me to become a better reader.

So, I very much hope that you find Reviews by Genre and Reviews by Year useful. I have to admit that I am particularly proud of my Reviews by Genre page because I had to teach myself a large amount of HTML in order to complete it and it took many tens of hours to do it.

There is still always my master list of reviews on the Book Reviews page if you find that more to your tastes.

Happy blogging and reading :-)

Originally posted 5 December 2011 Page Turners

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