I just purchased by 500th book

I can't believe it, but this morning I purchased my 500th book (and my 501st). 

Seems excessive I know, but you would be surprised at how compact 500 books can actually be. I have two full book cases (the tall kind), one large 1.5m x 1m chest full of books and I am just starting to fill a shelf on our DVD book case.

They are probably 70% second hand books and 30% new. I sill have quite a few I have saved from my childhood, including Freddie and The Enormouse by Hugh Scott (primary school) and The Clouded Hills by Brenda Jagger (high school). 

I can hear you asking what book has the honour of being my 500th - so I won't keep you in suspense any longer! It was..... (drum roll please):

The Lord of the Rings: The Complete Bestselling Classic

That's right, all 6 books in 1. Although I own the 'trilogy' in individual books, I thought that this would be the perfect book to take on holidays. Its a story I know and love well and because its so long it will keep me occupied for a good period of time. 

A perfect addition to my personal library and a perfect book for my 500th book. 

My 501st book was Shirley by Charlotte Bronte. I am not familiar with the story but I loved Jane Eyre so much that I couldn't pass it by.

That's enough from me. If you are interested in doing any more reading (blog reading that is), feel free to check out my latest posts:
  • The Big Reading - let me introduce you to some international authors;
  • The Child's Book of True Crime by Chloe Hooper (Australian literary fiction); and
  • What motivates an author?

Originally posted 20 June 2011 Page Turners

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