One year almost gone and a baby on the way

I’m not really sure where to start.

We have moved in and have been living at Aidanvale for almost one year now. Christmas has come and gone and our ‘almost two year old’ (when this blog started) now turns three on Monday.  

I feel like I want to assess how that first year has gone and to compare it to my post at around this time last year where I enumerated what I hoped for our new lifestyle in Granville.

I must admit that I am finding it very challenging to do that. The year has just gone so fast. Before we knew it we were in the house, heading back to work and Rafael was settled into his new day care centre.

We had another big change to our routine in July 2014 when I started a new job in Sydney City and increased my working days.

Then in November 2014 we had another big change to our routine. We discovered that I am expecting our second baby, who is due in August 2015.

So all in all it has been a really big year for us with the new house, new day care, new job and news about a new baby. That makes it challenging to assess how close we are to my vision for what I hoped our new lifestyle might be out here in the suburbs.

I will say this. We don’t regret it for even a heartbeat. Life is easier in a house. Rafael loves playing outside with his cars and kicking his balls and he’s even getting involved in some of the gardening. We’re even getting used to the not-so-good coffee. Other than the challenges of pregnancy (which would take me three blog posts to enumerate) life couldn’t be better.

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