Our vision...

Well, I suppose we need to start thinking about what we want from Aidanvale.

What do we need from a family home? What do we want from a family home?

We had our first post-settlement visit on the weekend. It felt different to wander around the house knowing that it was our and we would soon be moving in. I kept having flashes of the future. We will do so much; see so much; achieve so much in this house.

Rafael came with us for the visit. He was asleep when he arrived so he was pretty dozy. Nonetheless, I loved seeing the expression on his face as he looked around. He is such a curious, cautious little boy. He just slowly took it all on, looking around him as we carried him through the house and later having a little wander around, but not wanting to get too far away from us. He wanted to open and close each and every kitchen cupboard and he seemed a little confused by all the outdoor space.

It's going to take some getting used to having all this space. Not the inside so much. I know us… and I know that we can fill the place without a problem.

Having lived for the last 9years in units we will need to rethink how we spend our time at home.

Now, if we are at home, we are inside doing inside activities. If we want to do any outdoor activities that involved leaving home and going somewhere else like the park. Not that we wouldn't go on outings anyway, but there's a whole part of our every day family life that can't take place at home because our home doesn't have the space for it.

I can sense that we might have inadvertently become 'indoorsy types'. Don't get me wrong, Pablo and I aren't the types to go out bushwalking or camping.

As I give this some thought though, I don't want to be the family that spends all their time indoors. I want us to get fresh air and sunshine and I want us to do that in our own home.

I don't know how to turn all of this into a "vision". Maybe it's too early to be talking about a vision. Maybe (in fact almost certainly) our vision for Aidanvale will change over time.

NOTE: At the time of posting this, we have been living in Aidanvale for 2 months. I will catch up with my posts... I promise this to myself, ha!

For now at least, what I am looking forward to is having a complete family space. A place where we can be indoors or outdoors… together… as a family in our own little space of Sydney.

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