Aidanvale is occupied

Well, we're officially in.

Unit sold.

House moved. 

It's hard to get a handle on how I feel at the moment. People keep asking me if I feel settled in yet. I answer yes, because I think that it's the right answer - but really the answer is no.

There's still so much to do; inside and outside the house.

I'd say that in the space of three weeks we've unpacked less than half of the house. I know that it will take time. Today someone said to me "necessity is the mother of unpacking". I love that and intend to tell myself that every time I see an unpacked box sitting in my way. 

In the meantime, it makes it hard to feel settled in because, well, we're not.

We will feel settled in eventually though. Slowly but surely we're getting there. Every now and then I get a glimpse of what it's going to be like once it's all put together. 

Yesterday, we massively cleared out the backyard and mowed the lawn. There's still a long way to go but I had a glimpse of the future - the kids playing in the yard and me watching them out the backdoor. 

Today, I perched on the edge of our herb garden and watched Pablo and Rafael play together; running up and down the driveway. It was magic.

I am the kind of person who likes everything done as soon as possible. For now though, I am content with the knowledge that we are getting there. I will do my best to stay present and enjoy the journey.

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